I’m very excited about my upcoming book launch of LILACS in the DUST BOWL, biographical fiction and family saga, set on the Manitoba prairies during the Great Depression. The Vancouver…
Read moreVirtual Book Launch of LILACS in the DUST BOWL

I’m very excited about my upcoming book launch of LILACS in the DUST BOWL, biographical fiction and family saga, set on the Manitoba prairies during the Great Depression. The Vancouver…
Read moreOn our recent trip to Guanajauto, Mexico, I learned about the incredible power of Don Quixote, a novel by Miguel de Cervantes. It soothed one man so much that he…
Read moreNow that I’ve immersed myself in all manner of writerly pursuits, I’m discovering wonderful writers who have no fame. They’re a mixture of talents—some who’ve been at the game for…
Read moreMy latest Writer’s Digest magazine steered me to Agent Jenny Bent\’s blog where I found the post she’d written on the state of the writers’ marketplace. She shared her views…
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