Mothers, unheralded heroines, deserve our attention. They’re the ones whose tireless efforts to raise a child in our increasingly complex world are often overlooked. To honour her mother who had…
Read moreMother: An Unheralded Heroine

Mothers, unheralded heroines, deserve our attention. They’re the ones whose tireless efforts to raise a child in our increasingly complex world are often overlooked. To honour her mother who had…
Read moreMy book reading at the Local Book Fair in the Nanaimo Harbourfront Library went well, but now I find myself in writer’s limbo. In other words, I’m between projects. In…
Read moreI’m very excited about my upcoming book launch of LILACS in the DUST BOWL, biographical fiction and family saga, set on the Manitoba prairies during the Great Depression. The Vancouver…
Read moreI never planned a soft launch for my latest novel, Sunflowers Under Fire, a historical fiction. But my newest baby, which I’ve nurtured for so long, is now out in…
Read moreSo much rides on the right book cover. Most of us have heard the expression: You can’t judge a book by it’s cover. True enough, but if it’s appealing you’ll…
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