Designing hard covers for my trilogy—Lukia’s Family Saga—was never part of my writing plan. As a self-published author, I know my limits. I’ve hired Jun Ares, a professional book cover designer, Polgarus Studios for my formatting needs, and multiple editors, both copy and substantive (story) editors for all my novels in paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats. But then I came up with good reasons for doing so.
A Collaborative Process
Publishing, traditional or otherwise, is a collaborative process if it’s done right. A good cover is essential to draw in the reader. Who better to consider the cover than the writer of the story? I’ve been fortunate to work with a book cover designer who takes my ideas into account. I have author friends who had relied soley on the book cover designer only to be dissaatisfied later. One author redid the covers of her whole series after discovering readers were confused about what lay between the pages of her covers.
Why a Hard Cover Now?
Typically, traditionaly published books come out in hard cover first. I have no idea why that is. It just is. They’re more expensive and heavier than paperbacks, but they are a statement. Basically, the publisher is saying this is a high quality book. They are special because of the binding.
So, why a hard cover for my trilogy after the paperbacks have been out for a while? Well, it has to do with me wanting to have a hard cover “high quailty” version for myself and my family. Lukia’s Family Saga is historical and biographical fiction based on my baba’s story. It’s also based on my mother and father’s stories. Hard cover versions last longer. However, I don’t expect customers to rush out and get a hard cover set for themselves, but if they wanted to, the series is now available in hard cover on Amazon and through request at independent bookstores.
Different Printers
I was surprised to discover that Amazon doesn’t do dust jackets, and the design is printed right on the hard cover. Ingram Spark (the printer independent bookstores order their books from) prints dust jackets.
Ingram Spark’s Hard Cover with Dust Jacket

I had so much fun designing hard covers for my trilogy with Ares. I came with the text (story, author bio and photo) for the flaps of the dust jacket and the color and design of the hard cover, which is typically blue or grey. I decided I wanted each cover of the trilogy in the same soft gold tone as Sunflowers Under Fire, the first book in the series. And I asked my cover designer to put the flower symbol for each book on the front cover: sunflower for Sunflowers Under Fire, lilacs for Lilacs in the Dust Bowl, a rose for Paper Roses on Stony Mountain.
Amazon’s Hard Covers
Though Amazon doesn’t have dust jackets, I had Ares use the same design that was used for the back cover of the dust jacket for the back cover of Amazon’s hard cover version of my novels. The Not for Resale ribbon printed on the hard cover is only on the Proof copy. Now that the book has been approved, there is no longer a proof ribbon. I have yet to order an approved hard copy of the series printed by Amazon.

Next Step
I’m now in the process of publishing Large Print versions of the trilogy. Hopefully that can happen by next month.
I’d love your thoughts on any of the above. Stay safe and well.
Your usual attention to detail has served you well with these gorgeous hard covers. Great job! I’m sure your family and many others will want the sturdier versions of your books for their bookshelves.