America’s U-Turn

It’s been exciting to witness and celebrate America’s U-Turn.

Congratulations to my American friends and family. Watching the recent election turnout, I couldn’t help but be impressed by the length Americans took to ensure their vote counted. They stood in line for up to eleven hours. They used the mail-in ballot more often than in the past because of the Covid19 epidemic and they voted in record numbers.

As in every election, there can only be one winner, but hopefully Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will follow through on their words and be there for all Americans.

Biden’s acceptance speech was a welcome change. A voice of reason, calm manner, and notes of hope were long overdue. I appreciated that Kamala Harris spoke to the fact she is the first woman to hold this high office. And she is both an Asian and Black woman. We are also overdue in recognizing that it shouldn’t matter what your sexual orientation, religion, or race is or what culture you’re from when you’re applying for any position. So, hurrah on this score as well!

Still, there is much work to do. We are in a worldwide pandemic. Now that there’s a promising vaccine on the horizon, hope for a more normal life seems to be around the corner. But we need to follow the experts’ advice so that we can once again hug all those we love without fear.

And we need to work together, in our own countries, and globally, and not sow divisions, to ensure a world with clean air and water for generations to come.

It’s American’s U-turn. Compared to the current president in office, Joe Biden, the president elect, has a completely opposite view of the pandemic. He follows and respects science. He also holds a 180 degree view of climate action and plans to rejoin the Paris Accord. Wonderful!

Like Dr. Bonnie Henry, our health advisor for the Province of British Columbia says, “Be kind, be calm, be safe.”

Would love to hear from you. Comments are always appreciated.


4 thoughts on “America’s U-Turn

  1. The Coastal Crone

    Thank you, Diana, for words of support, encouragement and hope. It has been a difficult four years with the last made more difficult because of the pandemic. We have made a -turn for sure. Yet we have the current president who refuses to concede and divides instead of bringing up together. But we should not be surprised.

    May it truly be a turn in a different direction with Biden and Harris. Harris is the first in many ways but she will not be the last.

    And may we come together to get through this pandemic as citizens of this Earth being kind, safe and calm as your health advisor encourages. Next year has to be better!

    1. Diana Stevan

      Yes, Jo. I’m so hopeful, too. We have family who voted for the incumbent and I’m sure they’re upset at the moment. That’s understandable. I hope in time there will be more of that “we” feeling not only in our country but elsewhere. The major problems before us all, the pandemic and climate change, are problems that can’t be fought without all of us working together.

    1. Diana Stevan

      You and me both, Jo-Anne. You’re right. It’s going to be a tough winter. I love what you said: “we need each other and a whole lot of hope more than ever.” I’m an eternal optimist. I see a new leader who has suffered his own pain. He’s a grandfather, who has learned from the past. He’s got a bright woman by his side. I hope the US with its mighty power and great population will lead again rather than hang on to an outdated policy of America First. We need to lean on them and let them lean on us. 🙂

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