I never planned a soft launch for my latest novel, Sunflowers Under Fire, a historical fiction. But my newest baby, which I’ve nurtured for so long, is now out in the world. I had hoped for a bigger splash. Rave reviews right from the get-go. But that meant that I would’ve had to work hard to get some advanced copies to reviewers several months ahead of time. I only managed to send a few out.

One Fabulous Review
Got one fabulous review by a writer I respect but it got rejected by Amazon. I guess it was too fabulous and Amazon got suspicious. That happens. Nothing an author can do about that. And I don’t blame Amazon either as there are a lot of fake reviews out there and those in charge of screening reviews are just trying to make sure readers don’t get false promises.
Concerned, the reviewer sent me the review that was rejected.
Here’s a bit from her review: “Tender, Gritty and Hopeful” “This story is remarkable in allowing the female character, Lukia Mazurets, a mother of eight, to become my new heroine.”
Behind my Soft Launch
But back to my soft launch. Let’s just say, life got ahead of me. Truth is I basically lost track of time. That’ll happen when you spend two months in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. And when I got back, I had to prepare for a presentation on Indie Publishing at the Creative Ink Writers and Readers Festival in Burnaby, B.C. and for my participation on three panels on the craft of writing. And then the following weekend there was the North Shore Writers Festival in North Vancouver. It was all wonderful and I met great writers and readers. But I didn’t work on marketing.
So, I’m taking a deep breath now, hoping that Sunflowers Under Fire ends up in the hands of many readers. And once they’ve read the book, about a Ukrainian farmwife in war-torn Russia, Ukraine and Poland 1915-1929, they’ll take a few moments to write a review on the site where they bought it. One can always hope. 🙂 Meanwhile, I’ve decided not to get stressed over my poor marketing. Life is too short. I’m thankful I did what I did.

“In Lutsk, she manoeuvred her way through the hordes of civilians clogging the main roads. They had fled the war zone in Poland on foot and in wagons—women, children, and aging parents, as well as men who looked too weak to fight. Their gaunt faces and dusty clothes revealed the hardship they’d undergone to get this far.” From Sunflowers Under Fire
You can find my novel on Amazon, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. Other booksellers will soon follow.
Congratulations, Diana! I think you’ve done a marvelous job and that is a Beautiful cover.
Thank you, Jo-Anne. I feel relieved, finally, as I got my first review today and it’s so lovely and it’s posted online on Amazon.com. So, at least one reader enjoyed it. 🙂 That’s all we want, eh? To touch our readers in a meaningful way.
Congratulations, Diana! I started it last night and could hardly put it down but had to get up early this morning. Writing a review will be my pleasure. Lukia’s strength is amazing. Don’t stress – life is too short! I am sure your latest will be a success – just keep writing.
Thank you Jo. Glad you’re enjoying the read. And yes, life is too short to stress and yet we all do. Thank you for the reminder. Though I used to hold stress management workshops when I was an employee and family assistance counsellor, I’m not immune to overloading myself. I think it’s in the genes. 🙂
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