Along Came A Gardener

I’ve decided to take a side trip and write a non-fiction book, called Along Came A Gardener. I’ll be combining my love of gardening with what I’ve learned during my twenty-five years working as a family therapist.

Writing What I Know

Along Came A Gardener

Working In My Garden

Readers of my fictional works know that I’ve used my counselling background in my novels. In A Cry From The Deep, Joanna visits a therapist. In The Rubber Fence, my protagonist is one. And just so you know, I’m still writing fiction. I’m working on a few ideas right now.

But in this book, Along Came A Gardener, I’ll write about the problems that people seek a counsellor or a therapist for. I’ll also share what can be done about them, using nature as a guide at times.

Where the Inspiration Came From

I’ve thought about writing this book for a long time. The idea for it was inspired by a teenager who was referred to me for help. She and her sister, both excellent students, were struggling with depression. Their mother was mentally ill. It took tremendous courage for them to seek guidance on how to deal with an unpredictable and at times, scary home environment.

After seeing both girls for a number of sessions, the eldest gave me a poem she’d written. It was called The Seed of Hope, which I’ll share further down the road. In it, I was the gardener. What a tribute! Both girls went on to work in the helping professions. I am so grateful to have met them and for what they gave me in return.

Confidentiality is Key

And in case you’re wondering, the names and circumstances of the people I might mention will be altered to protect their identity. Confidentiality is key to gaining trust. A professional therapist or counsellor is bound by the ethical codes of their profession to keep what occurs in their sessions confidential.

Writing For The Reader

This book will be for anyone who’s felt lost at times or so depressed they didn’t know which way to turn. My hope is that what’s between these pages will give some comfort. Or may encourage you the reader to ask for outside help, if need be. There’s no shame in it. Being human means making mistakes. That’s why they have erasers on pencils.

So for those of you who are interested, please sign up for my newsletter and I’ll send you chapter by chapter of this work in progress. You’ll be the first to receive each chapter for the eventual book, Along Came A GardenerI’ll also let you know about any other developments. Like if and when my books are discounted. And if you have any thoughts or questions about what I’m writing, I’ll be happy to read and answer them as well.

My Blog Continues

Otherwise, I’ll keep posting here on my blog about whatever I find interesting at the moment, whether it’s writing, film, books, or aspects of life that intrigue me.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you sign up for both my blog and newsletter.  For those reading this on your mobile phones, you need to click on the full site to see the sign-up form.
As always, I welcome your comments.

8 thoughts on “Along Came A Gardener

  1. Karen Dodd

    This sounds like such an exciting project, Diana. And so YOU! I know you’ve been thinking of doing something like this for awhile and I love what you’ve come up with. Have signed up for your newsletter and look forward to reading the chapters as you write them.

    1. Diana Stevan

      Wonderful, Jo. Glad you’re on board. And please, if you have any thoughts along the way, let me know. And yes, it’s about time I did something about all that work experience. As for my baba’s story, I’m still deciding what to do. It’s done. I either hire an editor and self-publish or seek a publisher out there. In the meantime, it’s nice to get going on something fresh.

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