Dumbing Down With Donald Trump

Dumbing Down With Donald Trump

From Wikipedia

The primaries seem to be all about dumbing down with Donald Trump. It’s been entertaining but also frightening. To think that the American public might elect Donald Trump as their president has to be the most shocking development in the presidential race.  It looks like the American voters are dumbing down with Donald Trump.

Canada just had its elections, and I was thrilled that Liberal Justin Trudeau won. At the same time, I know there will be problems, especially when what he’s proposed will cost more than we can afford at the moment.

Justin Trudeau

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

However, his philosophy and behaviour are civil and compassionate and in keeping with the multi-ethnic composition of our country.


Trump’s Electioneering

I see none of this in Trump’s electioneering. What I see is a man who has to tell the American public how great he is. He tells them how much the polls are in his favour and that he’ll make America great again. He underlines that he’s a self-made man (forget about his inheritance,  four bankruptcies and his reluctance to show his tax returns).

He’s also a man who is given to insults and makes disparaging remarks about his rivals, women, journalists, disabled, immigrants and foreign countries. He’s even taken on the pope. A fan of the NRA and Anne Coulter, he now has the endorsement of a former Klu Klux Clan leader. What does that tell you?

Why is he getting away with this?

Are the people so enamored with his bravado, grandstanding and bullying that they don’t see that the emperor has no clothes? He has no political experience. With his rudeness and talking off the top of his head, how will he deal with world leaders? Only Putin, a man who intimidates people in his own country, who broke international agreements by invading Crimea, who  takes what he wants without considering consequences, admires him. Are they cut of the same cloth? Or is Putin, that sly leader, chuckling in his private moments as he witnesses the downfall of America.

A Master at Press Coverage

Trump is a master at reflecting back what people want to hear, he changes with the wind. You never know what he’s going to say next and how he’s going to say it. He’s an entertainer, reality show style. Because of all this and his celebrity status, he’s managed to get unbelievable press coverage, successfully pushing Jeb Bush, the most reasoned candidate out of the Republican race.

I’m not a fan of Republican policies and it doesn’t matter because I’m not American and would vote for the Democrats if I could, but Jeb Bush was at least a man who could’ve led America and not embarrassed its population.

The Republican Establishment

It seems from everything I’ve heard and read, the Republican establishment is shocked at the turn of events. They are embarrassed by the fiasco and circus dictated by ringmaster Trump. They say it’s because of the angry public. The populace is fed up with Washington.

True. But they need to look in the mirror. They’re the ones who’ve made the public angry. They’re the ones who dominate the Congress that has blocked Obama for eight years, tying his hands time and again. Because of their entrenched positions, Obama had a hard time delivering on his promises. They’re the ones who had their divisive rhetoric shouted through all channels of Fox news media. They’ve successfully whipped up the masses and this is what they have now. Donald Trump, a man who appears to be unstoppable.

From My Vantage Point in Canada

I continue to hope and pray that common sense will prevail. Time will tell.


4 thoughts on “Dumbing Down With Donald Trump

  1. Karen Dodd

    Amen to everything you’ve said, Diana. And thank you for having the courage to say it! Hopefully this will be the best thing that could happen for Hilary, but I cringe to think of what could happen if she loses.

    1. Diana Stevan

      Yes. All we can do is hope that the American people pick a good leader, one who can lead with compassion and integrity. From what I’ve seen though, the one who comes close to that ideal is Bernie Sanders. But I do feel Hilary is certainly the most experienced. Just not sure who her bedfellows are.

  2. Lorraine Devon Wilke

    Diana, you’re singing the same tune many of us are down here in the States. It is both shocking and sickening that enough of my countrymen and women buy this demagogue’s line of bulls••t to vault him into frontrunner status.. clearly there are a lot of bigots, sexists, xenophobes, fear-mongers, and generally thuggish people in this country who didn’t feel anyone represented their “values” until Drumpf came along. And now we’re stuck with this hateful, hate-inspiring scenario.

    The other problem is, the other two Republicans panting in the wings are horrible in their own right — rigid fundamentalists who’d like to turn back the clock on women’s rights and turn our democracy into a theocracy mandated by their religion. That’s terrifying in its own right.

    All I can hope is that the quieter people out there are the ones who will come out in droves to vote “blue” in November. Either one of the Dem candidates (though I’m a staunch Hillary supporter!) will be a staggering improvement over this lot!

    Good piece, my friend.

    1. Diana Stevan

      Thank you, Lorraine. Not sure how much prayer works, but I’m praying that America gets a thoughtful, pragmatic and honest president. Someone who represents all Americans.

      We have many friends and relatives on both sides of the political divide. This year though, as you say, the two Republican candidates running behind Trump in the polls are ones that “are horrible in their own right”.

      What I found additionally shocking this morning was to learn that many college graduates are also supporting Drumpf. What are they thinking? It’s like they’ve been struck deaf and blinded by his rhetoric and the swell of support he’s received. They’re no longer looking at the big picture and what President Drumpf would do for their country.

      Just so you know, millions of Canadians are hoping Drumpf will fail to go all the way. I can honestly say that, without polls, because of the kind of prime minister we’ve just elected. Hang in there.

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