From Wikimedia
When I was growing up, I prayed a lot, the usual, for myself and for my family. Today, I continue to pray for my family but now, among my many prayers and wishes for 2016, I include ones for world peace.
I’m tired of all the strife, the senseless loss of life, the wars that make no sense.
I pray that those who want to inflict terror on others will be stopped from committing evil. And I have faith that we can do a better job of this.
Praying for Common Sense
I pray that our good neighbours, the Americans, will finally take the necessary gun control measures to stop further mass killings. Reason suggests that too many guns mean too many accidents and the potential to do harm.
Praying for Health
I wish that measures will also be taken to protect our food sources. There are too many additives that harm rather than help. We have to stop the use of pesticides and antibiotics that not only contaminate our food, making our bodies less resistant to infection, but also contaminate the environment in which the food is produced. Having stopped using pesticides at least a decade ago, I enjoy the beauty of watching bees flit from flower to flower in our garden.
Praying for Fairness to All
I wish that more people can be more trusting of one another. And to know that love thy neighbour, regardless of faith, race, or sexual orientation, is the way to go.
I also wish for fairer taxation, that those who are in the 1% can look greed in the eye and say I will pay my fair share and contribute to the greater good. Wealthy people, like Bill and Melinda Gates, and hockey star P. K. Subban, give back and inspire others of wealth to do the same.
Hope is on the horizon.
We do live in a wonderful world.
At this time of reflection and gift giving, during my prayers and wishes for 2016, I’m mindful of the gifts we get from Nature, year in and year out, season after season. I am thrilled that the Paris summit on climate change brought many powerful nations together and a commitment was made to stop further damage to our earth.
Together, we can take care to preserve Nature’s gifts, to show the respect Nature deserves.
As my mother used to say, ”where there’s a will, there’s a way”.
Robert and I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Do you make wishes and prayers at this time of year, too?
Do you have any you’d like to share?
I’ll add my name to your prayers, Diana, and wish you and Rob a happy, healthy 2016.
Lovely, Jo-Anne. Wishing you and John a Happy and Healthy 2016 as well.
I have many prayers. I guess prayers are answered, not necessarily in the way we expect… I hope 2016 will be a better year. For the entire world. Not counting on it though. Sometimes things get very bad before they get better.
Merry Christmas, Diana. Wishing you and yours the best.
Julia, I think things have gotten very bad already, so it’s time for them to get better. But as you say, maybe it hasn’t been bad enough for those in power to make the changes they need to make so that we can all enjoy this beautiful world in peace. Ever hopeful. Hope you’ve had a Happy Hanukkah and wishing you and your family also a Merry Christmas and the best in the new year.