Steps To Publishing Success or What I Learned from Author, Catherine Knutsson


7 thoughts on “Steps To Publishing Success or What I Learned from Author, Catherine Knutsson

  1. Diana Stevan

    Julia, I hadn’t realized before talking to Catherine, how much goes into getting a book into print. It’s why I’ve avoided self-publishing to this point, as I value the input of those who’ve been in the business a long time. Of course, as I’ve stated, if that road is closed, for whatever reason, I’ll pursue getting the best editor I can on my own.

    1. Diana Stevan

      It seems for many, self-publishing is very satisfying. I can’t argue with the success many have had by going that route. I totally agree a great cover is critical. There was a wonderful program not that long ago – Work of Art, on Bravo. These talented artists were asked to design a book cover. What an eye opener! Color and design were key to grabbing a reader’s attention.

  2. Yvette

    Dear Diana, thank you for the opportunity to view and read your blog, I am inspired by what you write and your experience can only grow me. I am also hoping to write a novel and I am not quite sure how to go about this. I read your interview with Catherine and wow.
    Yes, my blog is Christian as this is something I know and I love talking about the Lord. I have heard it said that it is best to write about something you know well. I feel I know much more about the Bible than any other topic and would love to write a novel based on true facts such as Samson and Delilah as an example. I am just not sure how to actually start it and who would even look at my novel?
    Take care Yvette

    1. Diana Stevan

      Yvette, thank you for your lovely comments. You’ll find that writers are inspired by their own experiences as well as what interests them. If the Bible speaks to you and you have an idea for a story, involving Samson and Delilah, I’d say go for it. There are many great books out there that can help you get started. A couple that are popular and helpful are The Breakout Novelist by Donald Maass and Story by Robert McKee. Writers Digest is also full of articles on writing. If you live in an area where there are other writers,you may want to form a group for support in reaching your goal. The best of luck.

      1. Yvette

        Dear Diana
        Thank you for taking time to talk to me, I do appreciate your wisdom and insights. With such wisdom and understanding I hope to also do something as great as you in the near future. It is truly a privilege to have someone like you on my blog.
        I hope to gain as much insight and wisdom as I follow your blog and see how you approach life and situations.
        May you be blessed with supernatural favour with God and with man.
        Warm regards
        Yvette van Niekerk

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