Life Lessons in the Garden

When I was a young girl, I watched my mother plant red salvia and white allysum on both sides of our front walk.  At the time, I didn’t appreciate what else she was planting. Perhaps, she was also unaware that she was planting more than pretty blooms. Gardens have suggestions on how to live if we just take time to look.

Nature with its glorious display of plants and flowers bursting from a long winter’s sleep tell us it’s all right to begin anew.There’s nothing like springtime to inspire growth or new ideas and to evaluate where you’re going.

P1110715Whether it’s writing, or some other creative pursuit, spring is a great time to take stock.  Weed out the old ideas, the ones that keep us feeling less than beautiful outside and in. Plant some new ideas, ones that will carry us like the wind carries seeds to new places and new wonders.  This can be a great time to  renew, recharge, or just plain change where and how you’ve rooted yourself. It’s surprising the life lessons that are found in the garden.

And for those celebrating Easter or any other family celebration  at this time of year, you might want to have a look at an earlier post of mine, Ukrainian Easter. It isn’t only nature that gets me thinking, family memories churn my mind as well.

Happy Spring and Happy Planting.



8 thoughts on “Life Lessons in the Garden

    1. Diana Stevan

      Thanks for stopping by. Making “pysanky”, Ukrainian Easter eggs is fun but challenging. It’s similar to Batik, with wax covering what
      you want to keep covered in the next dying step. I’ve done many but I’m an amateur. It takes a steady hand to do the intricate work.

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