Cover Reveal

untitledThrilled to reveal the cover for my next book, ALONG CAME A GARDENER. In this inspirational book, I’ll share some tips on managing life’s ups and downs. Tips I gave my clients during my twenty-five years as a therapist.

Human Pain Does Not Discriminate

I’ve been blessed to have worked in a variety of clinical settings: a psychiatric ward, mental health centre, child guidance clinic, cancer clinic, a children’s residential treatment centre, employee and family assistance counselling office, and private practice.

I’ve met people of all stripes: rich and poor, businessmen(women), professionals, tradesmen, blue collar workers, families, children, all ages and sexual orientations as well as people from different cultures.

No matter what the differences were, each and every one benefited from some help with emotional problems. Human pain does not discriminate. We all love and we all experience loss, feel grief and anger and hurt. Sometimes, the load we carry is too much for us to manage by ourselves.

I’m hoping my book will bring some comfort to the reader. And provide some guidance.

The Therapist As Gardener

cover reveal

© Diana Stevan

As I’m also an avid gardener, I’ll be weaving in what nature has taught me. What I’ve learned working in my garden supports what I did as a psychotherapist.

The idea for this book actually came from a teenage client of mine. After a number of sessions, she wrote me a poem, that referred to me as a gardener who had planted the seed of hope in her life. What a lovely gift! I sat on this idea for years. I do have her permission to publish it. Anonymously, of course.


4 thoughts on “Cover Reveal for ALONG CAME A GARDENER

    1. Diana Stevan

      Thank you so much, Mike, for stopping by. I’m sorry for being so tardy getting back to you. As for relaxing in the garden, I thought of my Uncle George who found a lot of peace there when he came back from fighting in Italy during WWII. There is something calming about working in the soil, seeing insects trying to find their spots, and just observing the growth all around.

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