A Writer’s Reflections on Rowing

P1110801I had the pleasure recently of rowing a boat in Central Park, New York. While paddling around on the lake, I got to thinking how much rowing is like writing. There are so many choices. You can go in circles getting nowhere, confused as to what direction to take. Or you can go backwards and forwards, essentially staying in the same spot. Or you can meander all over the place with no particular destination in mind. And then there is the rower who methodically plans out his journey from A to B, with little or no surprises along the way.

I suspect the writers who plan it all out are the ones who can knock off three novels in one year whereas the ones who meander take three or more years to write one.

I guess I belong to the latter group. I write like I row,  all over the place, letting the story, like the boat, take me to places I didn’t expect.

I don’t think I’m about to change the way I write. It doesn’t suit me to map it all out beforehand. I like surprises. I like the characters I’ve created to tell me things I didn’t know beforehand. I love following them in ways I hadn’t anticipated. That is when I have the most fun on the page.

Like rowing, writing isn’t just about the destination, it’s also about the journey. But no matter what plan you have for writing that great novel or short story, you still have to get to the end. Happy rowing.

Any comments on the above would be appreciated.


12 thoughts on “A Writer’s Reflections on Rowing

    1. Diana Stevan

      Aha, never thought about drowning, but what a good point!. I’ve been close to that when I’ve become overwhelmed by all the sub-plots and characters I tend to create. Then, I do have to stand back and make some sense of it all. This to keep from drowning.

    1. Diana Stevan

      I love existential questions. Of course I ate a pastrami on rye while in New York. It must’ve been five inches high. Delicious, complete with dill pickle on the side. Is your mouth watering?

  1. Shari Green

    Great analogy, Diana! My technique seems to be ever evolving, but I imagine I’ll always enjoy meandering, discovering, enjoying the journey… whether it’s in writing or rowing!

    Lovely picture! 🙂

  2. Carol J. Garvin

    What a perfect analogy, Diana! There are various ways of reaching our writing goals, but they all require that we take action in the appropriate direction. I wonder what the application would be for drifting aimlessly without oars. Heh! I think I’ve done that, too.

    1. Diana Stevan

      I love your addition to my rowing analogy. Drifting aimlessly without oars may give a writer time to think about how the writing is going. And whether to change direction, bring along more passengers and/or get a different boat.

  3. Emily

    Hey Diana,

    Was finding the information on rowing when i found your blog.

    Just want to say, Great analogy!

    Keep up the awesome work!


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